
Quantum Knowledge

In physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is an indivisible entity of a quantity that has the same units as the Planck constant and is related to both energy and momentum of elementary particles of matter (called fermions) and of photons and other bosons. The word comes from the Latin "quantus," for "how much." Behind this, one finds the fundamenta...

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Intuitive Beats Community

Come and join us! Sign up and upload some of your intuitive beats to share with the group. Listen to other artists music and make comments and talk about what inspires you to create. Celebrate life and love as we dance through our challenges with intention and purpose. Connect with other like minded beings who are here to share meaning. We want you!

Click here!


Top 10 Favorite Crystals and Why

1. adventurine which is a great stone for gratitude and money
2. rose quartz which is good for increasing levels of love
3. citrine a good one for abundance and clearing energy.
4. hematite a nice way to keep yourself clear of other peoples negative emotions and raising your self esteem.
5. amythist a good stone for transition and amplifying your dreams. just put it under your pillow and see for yourself.
6. dessert rose helps you find your soul mate.
7. black tourmaline is good to keep with you when you are working with electronics and it absorbs and purifies negative energy.
8. quarts amplifies your emotions.
9. garnet increases your blood flow and is great for energy levels and sex.
10. celenite is a very pure and angelic crytal.


Deep Reverence for the Real You

When we look inside ourselves in deep meditation we find that when we are coming back in to our daily experience reflections on the outer of how we are feeling begin to match our inner reality.

When we see something inside of us that we don't like it's going to become some physical manifestation of that which we don't like. If there is a voice inside telling you to shut up then you will confront more people in the world that want to tell you to shut up.

The answer is to go into your meditation and feel that deep reverence. Feel that joy of being inspired. Allow yourself to be grateful. Look at what a magical and unique being you are in your purest state. Set aside all limiting beliefs about yourself and what you are capable of and find that richness.

Now when you return to your "normal life" things start to reflect that powerful gratitude. You will see immediate results. Things will start to make you more happy. What was once unsatisfying is now the most deeply fulfilling.

Remember to do this by yourself at least once a day to insure complete happiness and perfect manifestations. If you do this you will reach immeasurable new highs of consciousness and enjoy your world to the fullest.

The reason for this is scientific and is proven by quantum physics. Your expectations affect your reality and everything you know about reality is what you have learned through the experiencing of your five senses as electrical impulses in your brain. Your body and heart are intelligent yet there is still much beyond our range of perception happening.

By now you probably think yeah right...What could there possibly be that I don't already know about. The truth is everything you have ever known is inside you. Further more energy can be in two places at once and the only reason anything ever looks solid is because we are unaware of what our senses can not perceive. What appears material to us is actually waves of energy!

Hope you enjoyed this.

All the best, Story

Want to Learn More About Creating the Life You Desire? To Subscribe Click Here and You'll Get 7 Free Lessons for Using the Law of Attraction to Make Your Dreams Come True Right Now!


Quantum Reality

"Experiments in quantum physics, in fact, do show that simply looking at something as tiny as an electron - just focusing our awareness upon what it's doing for even an instant in time - changes its properties while we're watching it. The experiments suggest that the very act of observation is an act of creation, and that consciousness is doing the creating." 



Top 10 Affirmations of the Night

10 . I am positive and connected to the Universal Mind that created me.

09. I am guided to make the best choices I can.

08. I am in my right place by divine grace.

07. I act in accordance with the highest good of all.

06. I am making money selling and licensing my music.

05. I'm surrounded by winners.

04. Everyone is successful in my reality.

03. I choose health, wealth and well-being.

02. Everything I do is intentional

01. I have amazing manifestation abilities

DJ Story - Get Into the Beats

Reverb Nation Profile

My Space Profile:

Tribe Profile:

Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret":


What's Today's Story?

The Story is I've been working/playing hard on a website for a client and music production for another couple clients.  Got some carrots sprouting that I'm going to put in the ground.  I saved them from the compost and they grew new greens.  Making raw chocolate superfood and pesto with fresh garden basil.  movie night with the projector was a good experimental journey for me exploring the power of video. Life is good here on Maui.

Check out these cool links for more w/ DJ Story:

DJ Story - Get Into the Beats

Reverb Nation Profile

My Blog:

My Space Profile:


Intuitive Beats.com - Get Into the Beats

DJ Story was born in Jamaica and grew up around music. His father was in a reggae band and Story was in an African marimba band called "Tatenda" (we give thanks) for a few years learning traditional Zimbabwean music. He has been DJing and producing dance music since 1998 when he got setup with his first home recording studio by a musician friend...

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DJ Story - Waves of Energy - © 2008, Intuitive Beats

Wave of Energy is a track available on DJ Story's record label Intuitive Beats. Check my out http://www.intuitivebeats.com/ or find it on myspace.com/djstory or reverbnation.com/djstory

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Make Believe Vs. "Reality" or "Truth"

Hi Everybody,

I had an interesting experience that I want to share:

For the last few months the hot water heater for my bathroom in my community where I live wasn't working. The land lady had three different people come look at it who had no luck fixing it. Well, two days ago I chose to take a cold shower and make believe it was hot. I was saying to myself "This feels so good.", "It's so warm!", "I'm so grateful that we have hot water now." etc.

Guess what happened...

The next day it was fixed by somebody miraculously! Coincidence...I think not. More like synchronicity! The power of make believe is real. There is more to reality than we can perceive with our five senses. People have tended to place to much importance on the matter ie. looking for proof in what's already come into the physical. Just remember everything that we see started on the spiritual level. That's the power of intention, wishing, goal setting, day dreaming, visualization, prayer, gratitude, abundance meditations etc. The key is to make it a game and not think about if it's true or not. For all you know make believe is more real than what you think of as reality or truth.

Thanks for reading this, Jacob

P.S. I feel like a combination of Robin Hood and Peter Pan. Taking the make believe from the rich and bringing it to the poor. Fortunately there's enough make believe for the rich and the poor. Everybody is so abundant!!!

P.P.S. I Just shared this story with my Mom who was saying "yes, although I don't know where to draw the line between denial and positive thinking." She said "I hope to rent out this house I've been trying to rent soon."  I said "Mom "just pretend that you already rented it."  I said "Say something more positive like I'm so grateful now that somebody even more responsible than me is renting the house and they always have rent on time. etc..."  While we were having the conversation she got a call on her other phone and had to go.  She called me back five minutes later and informed me that She just rented the house to an elderly couple.  She went on to say that he was a war veteran and gets money from the government or something like that so they will for sure have the rent on time each month.  Is that not incredible???  I was so mind blown that I asked her to send me a testimonial about it and she said She would email me something.

-DJ Story

Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret":  


New Intuitive Beats Podcast

Hi, this is DJ Story. Just letting you all know that I just launched the Intuitive Beats podcast through itunes. The first one is an hour of pure originals that I mixed myself featuring a track w/ Sasha Rose (Butterfly), Love and a few more special guests. Check it out:

Click here and subscribe to the Intuitive Beats podcast.


Egyptian Summer Solstice Party

A sultry summer Solstice night beacons you to a house in Haiku Saturday June 21st for a hot Arabian masquerade ball with phreaky break beats, throbbing drum and bass and heavy house. 
Prepare yourself for an Egyptian theme dance party/potluck. This gathering at Zach and Bree's house will kick-off with an Arabic pot luck beginning at 7:30 in the evening. Danceable house vibrations will be provided by DJ's Jaronium, Silverstone, Story and Modika on the Peace Force sound system with the Source DJ altar! Fire dancing welcome near our new fire pit.
Costumes admired (in fact, almost required). Don't feel like rockin the Cleopatra wig? We're defining Egyptian loosely here....Dress as a sacred feline, a pyramid, a genie in a bottle, a goddess, a snake-charmer...whatever. Anything exotic, erotic, and vaguely Middle Eastern will do.
Assalamu Alaikum
Peace be upon you
- The Arabians of Aliikoa Place(BTW we have a room available for rent July 1st)
Address: 4158B Ali ikoa pl, Haiku
Take a right off Hana Highway onto ulumalu rd (just past mile marker 14), take your first right on aliikoa pl and proceed halfway down the street.  It's on the right, look for tiki torches)

DJ Story - Get Into the Beats

Reverb Nation Profile

My Space Profile:


DJ Story's New Music Video

Flying Free w/Victoria on vocals and dancing with Tanmayo. Music, graphics, video and animation by DJ Story.


God is a DJ ! (Spin - Double Edge)

This is so funny I just had to share it with you.


Affirmation of the Day

I am receiving fat wads of hundred dollar bills.


DJ Story - Live on Maui 5.24.08


Tech Support: Yes, ... how can I help you?

Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided
to install Love.
Can you guide me through the process?

Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to

Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think
I'm ready. What do I do first?

Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart.
Have you located your Heart?

Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs
running now. Is it okay to install Love while they
are running?

Tech Support: What programs are running ?

Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low
Self-Esteem, Grudge and Resentment running right now.

Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase
Past Hurt from your current operating system. It may
remain in your permanent memory but it
will no longer disrupt other programs. Love will
eventually override Low Self-Esteem with a module of
its own called High Self-Esteem. However, you
have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment.
Those programs prevent Love from being properly
installed. Can you turn those off ?

Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you
tell me how?

Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and
invoke Forgiveness. Do this as many times as necessary
until Grudge and Resentment have been completely

Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing
itself. Is that normal?

Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the
base program.
You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order
to get the upgrades.

Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It
says, "Error - Program not run on external components
." What should I do?

Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love
program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has
not yet been run on your Heart. In
non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love
yourself before you can Love others.

Customer: So, what should I do?

Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on
the following files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth;
and Acknowledge your Limitations.

Customer: Okay, done.

Tech Support: Now, copy them to the "My Heart"
directory. The system will overwrite any conflicting
files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you
need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all
directories and empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it
is completely gone and never comes back.

Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new
files. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace and
Contentment are copying themselves
all over My Heart. Is this normal?

Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile,
but eventually everything gets it at the proper time.
So Love is installed and running.
One more thing before we hang up. Love is Freeware. Be
sure to give it and its various modules to everyone
you meet. They will in turn share it with others and
return some cool modules back to you.

Customer: Thank you, God.

-- Author Unknown


DJ Story's Space Bass Album (New)

Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Straight Up Techno $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Wild Warped Techno $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Funky House Test $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Pyramid Funk $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com This Beats Fun-kay $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Raw Electro w/Rachel Vocals $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Freaky Business $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Celebrate Life w/Jonathan on flu $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Ecstacy House $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com House Party $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Automatric $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Strange Love $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Electronic $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Unwind $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Electro Groove $0.79
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Last One In $0.79

DJ Story's Gratitude Album

Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Absolute Freedom $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Breath of Life $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Profound Vision $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Immediate $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Enhanced Expression $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Another Dream $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Holy Kingdom $0.99

DJ Story's Peace and Prosperity Album

Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Unified Planet $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Think About It $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Magic Lamp $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Unified Planet $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Free it Up $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Do Your Thing $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Life is Precious $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Tranquil Groove $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Underwater Worlds $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Active Volcano $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Enjoyment $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com All Together $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Thank You $0.99
Buy it on WeMusicStore.com Complex Blast $0.99

What's the Story?

Word of the day:


Affirmation of the day:

I share the divine music within.


The Science of Getting Rich

See what loads of people are getting excited about.  This is actually a great opportunity to make money online.

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10 Tips for Writing Affirmations

1.  Self Enquiry - by stating the affirmation in question form it sets the mind into motion generating responses.

2.  Keep them in the present tense and visualize what you are affirming as vividly as possible.

3.  Getting in the feeling place of the words is really important, because this is when you fully align yourself vibrationally on a molecular level with whatever it is you are affirming.

4.  Consider the impact of singing your prayers and recording it and listening back again and again.

5.  Avoid using the word "not" in your affirmations.  It doesn't register in the subconscious mind.  Negitive thoughts implode on themselves they are not expansive like positive thoughts.  What you resists persists.  You can't wish something away as easily as you can consciously create something better.

6.  Have total faith and live knowing that whatever you're affirming is truth.

7.  Enjoy saying your affirmations.  Laughing and yelling them is great too (I recommend the car)  It's all about having fun.

8.  Affirmations that inspire action such as "I'm writing my book" can work better than "I'm an author."  It just has a more motivational quality to it.

9.  Pay attention to the first two and the last two words or what you're writing.

10.  See if you can make it into a rhyme.

Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret":  

Fire Dancing at Little Beach

Maui Story: So Brah...you kine guys come over ear and dance with fire? How come?
Jacob Damsell: For the love of fire and dancing.
Maui Story: So why Maui? Why now?
Jacob Damsell: That's a really big question. That's not really up to me. I am guided along that's how I got here.
Maui Story: So you believe in fate?
Jacob Dasell: To a point. I believe you orchastrate fate. I just kind of do what feels right.
Maui Story: What do you see when watch youself fire dance?
Jacob Damsell: I see my mistakes and how I coudl switch up my routine and my beautiful body.
Maui Story: So you ever burn yo beautiful body fire dancing eh?
Jacob Damsell: Of course. Numberous. Too many times to tell.
Maui Story: Cool...What's the craziest thing you have ever seen our done wihile fire dancing?
Jacob Damsell: Well when I'm fire dancing I am fire dancing. That is crAZY in itself. And Summer breathing fire at the beach.
Maui Story: You fire dancers seem to be a tight crew, no?
Jacob Damsell: We all know the blood, sweat, and burns. We respect each other for that reason.
Maui Story: Have you ever been cock blocked or ever cock blocked?
Jacob Damsell: Ofcourse, I'm a guy I'm been cock blocked and I've blocked a few cocks.
Maui Story: Cool. How is the scene on Maui Now for Fire Dancers? Do you have one?
Jacob Damsell: Yeah! These guys get paid.
Maui Story: How much can you make fire dancing?
Jacob Damsell: Not too sure 'cause I have not been paid yet.
Maui Story: Ho! brah you need some body help you collect already?
Jacob Damsell: Of course we all need some help sometime.
Maui Story: Get out the raw video! Who is in this video?
Jacob Damsell: Rob, Susan, Andrew, Essence, Janice, and me.
Maui Story: Every Sunday at Makena at Little Beach.

Video by DJ Story. webheadservice.com

Affirmation Tip of the Day

I've been experimenting with putting my affirmations in the question from, so that my subconscious mind will start generating answers instead of questioning the statement's validity.  Here's an example:

Statement:  Love is so attracted to me.

as opposed to

Question:  Why is love so attracted to me?

Get 7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of "The Secret":  


10 Years After Didjeridoo Dreamtime

Interview with River Freedom by DJ Story

Maui Story: So you make didjeridoos and flutes on Maui?
River Freedom: I've been making didjeridoos and bamboo Shakuhachi
flutes as a way of creating sound healing tools on Maui for the last
10 years. I lived out in Kipahulu in a cave for a year. That cave has
a history of flute makers coming and going.
Maui Story: How long did you play the Didj and flute for before you
started making them. What got you interested?
River Freedom: It all started when I got to Maui in 1995. I had been
dreaming about dolphins and aliens and having experienced
multidimensional reality I started working with Bamboo right away.
That was in Haiku down Haumana Rd. I was living with some real hippies
who actually made money making bamboo drums. I needed to experience
dreamtime. I felt a magical calling to share mind expanding experience
with others. The didjeridoo with the right player and vibe can take
you there.

Maui Story: How long did it take you to record your album Didjeridoo Dreamtime?
River Freedom: It took 40 days from the time I met Dreamseed at
Miracles Bookery, now it's a crystal store called Supernatural. We met
in Makawao. Dreamseed and I instantly connected. He was carrying his
didj and a small backpack He was sleeping in cow pastures and eating
avacado sandwiches. I was managing a retreat center called Angels Nest
up Olinda Road and the owner was away so I had run of the the mansion.
I just wanted to make an album so bad. Those were heady days of
Shamanism on Maui. We did everything natural no psychodelics at that
time. The didjeridoo was enough. We would go to house parties and
blast peoples chakra's with the didjeridoo . We'd blow them away into
the dreamtime. They wouldn't know what hit them. Some people would
even astral travel.
DJ Story: Cool where is the River taking us now?
River Freedom: That is a mystery. We all have to find it within
ourselves. One Spirit is our guide. I am a healer and I have a special
life mission in mind expanding communication and the arts. We've got a
Breathwork and Sound Healing workshop coming up to help people access
the Akashic Records so they can discover and learn for themselves. As
we realign ourselves with the Tao our collective power will
predominate. First we need to care about what's going on inside of our
minds and more than other peoples. We get to evolve or perish.
DJ Story: Where would you like to see yourself in the next 10 years?
River Freedom: In the moment.
DJ Story: Good point!

Buy Music from DJ Story's SNOCAP Mystore:

What's the Story?

New DJ Story Interview by River Freedom

Check this out on River's Blog:


Campout Event

Aloha Friends,

campout gathering from friday morning may 9th to sunday may 11th - contact me for details limited number of spaces available. 

let us know if your interested asap:


Blogging to the Next Level

new blogger account