
Egyptian Summer Solstice Party

A sultry summer Solstice night beacons you to a house in Haiku Saturday June 21st for a hot Arabian masquerade ball with phreaky break beats, throbbing drum and bass and heavy house. 
Prepare yourself for an Egyptian theme dance party/potluck. This gathering at Zach and Bree's house will kick-off with an Arabic pot luck beginning at 7:30 in the evening. Danceable house vibrations will be provided by DJ's Jaronium, Silverstone, Story and Modika on the Peace Force sound system with the Source DJ altar! Fire dancing welcome near our new fire pit.
Costumes admired (in fact, almost required). Don't feel like rockin the Cleopatra wig? We're defining Egyptian loosely here....Dress as a sacred feline, a pyramid, a genie in a bottle, a goddess, a snake-charmer...whatever. Anything exotic, erotic, and vaguely Middle Eastern will do.
Assalamu Alaikum
Peace be upon you
- The Arabians of Aliikoa Place(BTW we have a room available for rent July 1st)
Address: 4158B Ali ikoa pl, Haiku
Take a right off Hana Highway onto ulumalu rd (just past mile marker 14), take your first right on aliikoa pl and proceed halfway down the street.  It's on the right, look for tiki torches)

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