
Quantum Reality

"Experiments in quantum physics, in fact, do show that simply looking at something as tiny as an electron - just focusing our awareness upon what it's doing for even an instant in time - changes its properties while we're watching it. The experiments suggest that the very act of observation is an act of creation, and that consciousness is doing the creating." 



Top 10 Affirmations of the Night

10 . I am positive and connected to the Universal Mind that created me.

09. I am guided to make the best choices I can.

08. I am in my right place by divine grace.

07. I act in accordance with the highest good of all.

06. I am making money selling and licensing my music.

05. I'm surrounded by winners.

04. Everyone is successful in my reality.

03. I choose health, wealth and well-being.

02. Everything I do is intentional

01. I have amazing manifestation abilities

DJ Story - Get Into the Beats

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What's Today's Story?

The Story is I've been working/playing hard on a website for a client and music production for another couple clients.  Got some carrots sprouting that I'm going to put in the ground.  I saved them from the compost and they grew new greens.  Making raw chocolate superfood and pesto with fresh garden basil.  movie night with the projector was a good experimental journey for me exploring the power of video. Life is good here on Maui.

Check out these cool links for more w/ DJ Story:

DJ Story - Get Into the Beats

Reverb Nation Profile

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Intuitive Beats.com - Get Into the Beats

DJ Story was born in Jamaica and grew up around music. His father was in a reggae band and Story was in an African marimba band called "Tatenda" (we give thanks) for a few years learning traditional Zimbabwean music. He has been DJing and producing dance music since 1998 when he got setup with his first home recording studio by a musician friend...

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DJ Story - Waves of Energy - © 2008, Intuitive Beats

Wave of Energy is a track available on DJ Story's record label Intuitive Beats. Check my out http://www.intuitivebeats.com/ or find it on myspace.com/djstory or reverbnation.com/djstory

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Make Believe Vs. "Reality" or "Truth"

Hi Everybody,

I had an interesting experience that I want to share:

For the last few months the hot water heater for my bathroom in my community where I live wasn't working. The land lady had three different people come look at it who had no luck fixing it. Well, two days ago I chose to take a cold shower and make believe it was hot. I was saying to myself "This feels so good.", "It's so warm!", "I'm so grateful that we have hot water now." etc.

Guess what happened...

The next day it was fixed by somebody miraculously! Coincidence...I think not. More like synchronicity! The power of make believe is real. There is more to reality than we can perceive with our five senses. People have tended to place to much importance on the matter ie. looking for proof in what's already come into the physical. Just remember everything that we see started on the spiritual level. That's the power of intention, wishing, goal setting, day dreaming, visualization, prayer, gratitude, abundance meditations etc. The key is to make it a game and not think about if it's true or not. For all you know make believe is more real than what you think of as reality or truth.

Thanks for reading this, Jacob

P.S. I feel like a combination of Robin Hood and Peter Pan. Taking the make believe from the rich and bringing it to the poor. Fortunately there's enough make believe for the rich and the poor. Everybody is so abundant!!!

P.P.S. I Just shared this story with my Mom who was saying "yes, although I don't know where to draw the line between denial and positive thinking." She said "I hope to rent out this house I've been trying to rent soon."  I said "Mom "just pretend that you already rented it."  I said "Say something more positive like I'm so grateful now that somebody even more responsible than me is renting the house and they always have rent on time. etc..."  While we were having the conversation she got a call on her other phone and had to go.  She called me back five minutes later and informed me that She just rented the house to an elderly couple.  She went on to say that he was a war veteran and gets money from the government or something like that so they will for sure have the rent on time each month.  Is that not incredible???  I was so mind blown that I asked her to send me a testimonial about it and she said She would email me something.

-DJ Story

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